Cybertown FAQ & HELP 48 A4-pages of useful information in only a file (and just 4 min@ 28.8) #################################################################### # #Text-only version of Cybertown FAQ & HELP 3.0.1 (text-version 1.0.1) #Author Tin-leon => # #Open this file in Notepad , vi , emacs or a word processor # able to break lines. #################################################################### INDEX * OVERVIEW. What is all this about, Cybertown constitution, .... * THE SCREEN The top frame, Main frame (2d, 3d), Right frame, ... * CHATTING IN 2D AND 3D 2d chat, 3d chat, advanced features (voice, language), ... * ENTERING AND NAVIGATING IN 3D Entering in 3d, Quick navigation guide, ... * CONTACTING OTHER PEOPLE How do I contact other members?, how do I contact my BL?,  How can I find out what´s coming or happening in Cybertown?,  How Do I search for other citizens or their homes?, What is the Instant Message Center?, ... * MY HOME What can I do in my home, What is my home address?,  How can I upload a picture, How can I configure my virtual pet (bot)?, How can I read the messages people leave in my house?,  I have problems entering my house, ... * BUYING AND SELLING OBJECTS General, The Shopping Mall, Handling objects you own, Handling other member´s objects, ... * EXPERIENCE POINTS, CITYCASH AND JOBS What are Experience points and Citycash?, Getting a job, Reward system, ... * AVATARS What is an avatar, How do I get my avatar,  How do I change my avatar, How do I control the body gestures of my avatar?, ... CYBERTOWN FREE E-MAIL Free mail, Postcards,... * TECHNICAL SUPPORT How do I stop crashes?,  I get a 404-Not Found when I try to access houses through the method of '' ,  I get a message saying 'Error loading/starting Blaxxun Contact 3D plug-in' , I can't get the 2d chat window, I get a 'No server connected' or it freezes at the 'Connecting to community server', I have troubles downloading Contact I´m using AOL and getting various problems, I want more than32 objects in my house, I want to go into 3D with my Mac, I have 32 Mb- Is that enough, My house is gone. (When I try to access a home I receive a 'Sorry but user doesn´t have a house) , ... * GLOSSARY From 1st Person View, 2D, 3D, 3rd Person View, AFK, ASAP, Avatar, BD...  To vDrome, Virtual Objects, vPod , WB and WYSIWYG * MORE HELP  *CREDITS OVERVIEW WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? Cybertown is a free, clean, safe community on the Internet. It is a great place for people to communicate, explore and share in the magic of online 3D. Cybertown is known as the "Civilization for the virtual Age" - a futuristic, immersive society accessible via the Internet. Cybertown citizens use personalized 3D avatars to represent themselves and they can own free personal 3D homes with virtual pets, hold jobs, form clubs, shop in the virtual mall, dance in the nightclub, play games in the Casino and Arcade, get free Cybertown e-mail addresses, attend live celebrity and author chat events and more. Citizens are actively involved in the social structure of the community and with each other, making Cybertown a true community that is created by its own residents. You earn virtual "city cash" by visiting Cybertown everyday. Your 3D house can be bought and upgraded. There is a whole social and economic structure in Cybertown and you can participate in it with other people from all over the world. You can do this across multiple Cybertown Colonies, all with their own special and unique identity. Cybertown features technological advances like "shared-state" environments where your actions with objects will be seen simultaneously by people in the same environment from anywhere in the world. For example: when you move the sofa in your living room, your guests will see where you put it and know where to sit. You can secure your house with a password so that only your friends can visit. The identity established by your avatar - which can be completely customised - is also maintained from community to community. Citizens can create their own customised objects either for their own use or for trade. Citizens can create custom avatars with the new blaxxun Avatar Studio software available for sale at: Soon citizens will be able to create, sell and trade custom houses or other living abodes as well as custom avatars. Some of the merchants selling "real" goods in the community will give discounts for earned community credits so your credits can go towards purchasing real-world goods and services as well. The purpose of Cybertown is the harmonious interchange of ideas and information between community members and between Colonies and to give you something worthwhile to create. So, make Cybertown your community and be a pioneer in the next big step in global communication and interactivity! This is an online 3d chat community with its own social and economical structure. You can use it simply as a chat page or get more involved (get a house - your own private and customisable chat room- , a job...) WHAT IS THE CYBERTOWN CONSTITUTION? Because the purpose of Cybertown is the harmonious interchange of ideas and information between community members and between communities, certain guidelines of behavior need to be followed. By entering Cybertown you agree to the following terms and conditions for participating in Cybertown: 1) In communicating to others in Cybertown follow customary manners as they are (or at least as they should be!) followed in real life. In other words don't insult other members, don't make statements that are grossly offensive including blatant expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity and don't indulge in abusive or harrassing behavior or personal attacks. This includes not indulging in racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs, disruptive behavior of any kind or making lewd comments. 2) Cybertown includes a set of Colonies where people are not discriminated against on the basis of personal beliefs, sex, age or race and a place where people are not attacked for these things. One intention of Cybertown is to provide an oasis for rationality, pleasant discourse and harmony rather than tirades and insults against those who disagree with your views. 3) The public meeting places are not sex-chat spaces. This means that you must not engage in sexual activities or sexually-explicit chat that would generally be considered offensive or inappropriate in a public place. What you do in the private spaces is your own business - what you do in the public spaces becomes everybody's business and appropriate actions will be taken to prevent violations. These actions include gagging offenders, removing them from the community for a certain period of time and, in extreme cases, exiling them forever. 4) You may not promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, or promote physical or mental harm or injury against any group or individual. You also may not indulge in activities that infringe upon anyone else's copyright(s). 5) Cybertown is not responsible for the content of these meeting places. That responsibility lies solely with the people using the spaces since they are the ones dynamically creating the content. The opinions and views expressed in these meeting places do not necessarily reflect those of Cybertown. 6) Due to legal requirements Cybertown does not monitor these meeting places, but the community itself, in the interests of fostering positive community spirit, has decided what it will and won't accept in these spaces and various Security Personnel do check on the spaces from time to time. We do not wish to be forced into using filters by the foolish and thoughtless actions of the minority. 7) Members can be held legally liable for the contents of their speech, and may be held legally accountable if their speech includes, for example, defamatory comments. 8) You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cybertown for any loss, liability, claim, damage, and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from or in connection with the contents of your speech and your use of these communities. 9) In building your dwellings in Cybertown, the above rules also apply. In other words you cannot furnish your spaces with textures, texts or images that would be considered offensive, illegal, pornographic, racist or that violate copyrights. 10) Your uploaded files, and your participation in conferences and chats, are subject to review, modification, and deletion without notice by community officials or others responsible for community activities. 11) Avoid excessive shouting (use of all caps) or flooding (continuous posting of repetitive text) in the Chat areas. 12) Impersonation of Cybertown sysops or staff members is prohibited. False representation of yourself as a Cybertown employee or sysop can result in immediate termination of your Cybertown account. Cybertown is family-oriented, remember this and act with common-sense . This is the only thing you really need to remember about the constitution WHAT CAN I DO IF SOMEONE IS VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION FOR PARTICIPATING IN CYBERTOWN?Right now the town provides the following protections for you: 1) You can choose any user(s) to ignore and thus not see their communication 2) You can refuse private messages 3) You can create a private room into which they cannot enter (such as your home) the inappropriate activity continues.  4) Contact a Security Officer who will warn the offender and take the appropriate action if the inappropriate activity continues. Have fun... Legal Notices ( Privacy Statement ( Cybertown Unified Ban Policy( THE SCREEN TOP FRAME Click at this image to know how to get prizes by telling your friends about Cybertown. If you are not a member Join now appear instead An ad, click on it for more information In this case it is a Cybertown internal ad. Click at the news image to read the daily new Click on the image to get more information about the Blaxxun avatar making tool. MAIN FRAME 2D 2D views of a house and the plaza. You can´t interact with the images. The 2d view of a house is useful to know about the owner (it is really usefull if you are the owner because in this case it shows you your own info). But the other images are useless, they don´t show the real status or aspect of the place 2D chat window.  What you and other people type apperars under the 'welcome' message Type your text in the white box and press Intro or click Send. In the left box you can see who is in the same place (chat room) and pressing Next you get more information If you don´t see it click on (2d world) Click here to learn more about 2d chat  3D 3D view of a place (in this case my house) This scene is build with VRML (Virtual Reality Making Language) and receive several names: 3dScene, 3dVR,... You can explore and see other people in 3d mode. You need Blaxxun Contact (free download - -) to enter 3d. This is the navigation bar, and allows your to move and explore the 3d scene 3d chat window What you and other people type apperars under the 'welcome' message Type your text in the bottom box and press Intro. Click the arrow to send chat macros. In the left box you can see who is in the same place (chat room) and pressing the other tabs you get more information Click here to learn more about 3d chat THE RIGHT FRAME The clock and the link to the instant messaging ( people online) This is the city time (CyT). All event are scheduled with it. It is the same than EST The place where you are (the link is to reload) and the buttons to enter/reload 2D and 3D mode  The control panel, by clicking the different buttons you can get the most used Cybertown functions.  Go to your house and check your inbox every time you log in Click my info to change (and view) your information The feedback is not only to send your suggestions but also the city wide message board.  Use the Jump Gate, instead of using the map or the directory for going to a place.  Try all buttons The famous Jump Gate. Choose where do u want to go.... Visit all the places at least once. It is the best way to get an overview of Cybertown.  This buttons only appear in some places If you are in your house click inbox to read your incoming mail. In other people´s house, you´ll get a form to send them mails. In your house the name beside Up is the Block Name, click on it to get Block Level (The block map) In the Mothership colony, this frame is on the left. And has a more futuristic style CHATTING IN 2D AND 3D Overview: If you are a member of Cybertown you can access 2D and 3D chat and message boards and have a virtual blast buying or trading objects and interacting with other people and avatars. You can also invite your friends to your very own 3D home to hang out or party. Not a member? Immigrate now! It's free and you're missing the party so hurry-up. If you want to chat without becoming a member go to the Newcomers club. I personally think the 2 mins the immigration form takes are really worth You can choose to start your chat in 2D or 3D mode by clicking My Info on the Control Panel, then Personal Info and then selecting the Chat default. None = No chat window blaxxun Contact (Java) = always enter site in 2D mode blaxxun Contact (3D plugin) = always enter site in 3D mode It is setted to 2d mode by default 2D Chat: 2D chat is really good if you just want to talk to someone quickly and then get out of town. It is also the way to go when you are using someone else's computer and they don't have the blaxxun Contact software or it wouldn't be right for you to install it there. To start chatting when you are in the 2D mode just click in the text box below the chat window and start typing what you want to say. Hit the Enter or Return key on your keyboard or click the Send button. To see the various chat options (colored text, font size, using images) you can type /options in the chat window or go here ( . If you click on a person's name you can whisper to them, invite them to private chat (PC) or ignore them.Whisper mode can be very useful for private chat in a public place. The great thing is no-one knows you're whispering so you're not being rude. Say you've been invited with your mates to a party at the Cafe. You want to greet the host but you forget who it is. You can "whisper" to a friend and find out without a moment's awkwardness. Simply right click on the name of the citizen with whom you wish to initiate a whisper chat. In the little menu box that appears click on "start whisper". You'll see that the text box for typing in your chat is now in whisper mode. Everything you say in this mode will be sent only to the person you've selected. To end whisper mode right click on the person's alias and select "stop whisper". 2D whisper is very similar to 3D whisper chat except that when in 3D you can see and participate in the public chat and whisper mode at the same time. See "Whisper in 3D" below for more information. To initiate private chat (PC) with someone while in 2D you'd left-click on their name in the window to the right of the chat window and select "Invite Chat". You'll see "Private chat established with: ____" appear in the chat window. You'll see that the text box for typing in your chat is now in private mode.The conversation appearing in the chat window will be between you and that other member only. To close private chat just click the Quit button. The 2d chat mode is not so cool as 3d, but it can be used with any computer with a Java-enabled browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape 2.01 or higher. Type /options (remember the '/' the 's' and the lower-caps) to know how to insert pictures and colours in your chat. But it will be only readable by people in 2d. Requirements for 3D Chat: If you are a member of Cybertown you can join in the chat. Not a member yet? What are you waiting for - Immigrate now! To access 3D chat and enter the 3D worlds in Cybertown you need to download and install (running the setup.exe program you downloaded) the free plug-in called blaxxun Contact ( from the blaxxun website. ( You can read Get Into 3D ( for more information.A plug-in is a program that helps the browser to view come contents. It works automatically once installed so you don´t have to do anything Blaxxun contact needs Microsoft Windows to work, but you can also use it from a Mac with an emulator Jump into 3D Chat: Okay, just for the record...3D chat is waaaaayyyyy cooler then 2D chat. Once you have the plug-in installed, enter Cybertown and look to the right to find and click the 3d world button. You will enter a 3D Plaza. You get a lot more information on the chatters when you are in 3D. Click the arrow next to the text box and you can send instant phrases. If you right click inside the chat window you will get a box that will enable you to adjust your font size or, undock the chat window (to make it bigger, for instance) and scroll-locking. Whisper in 3D: Whisper mode can be very useful for private chat in a public place. The great thing is no-one knows you're whispering so you're not being rude. Say you've been invited with your mates to a party at the Cafe. You want to greet the host but you forget who it is. You can "whisper" to a friend and find out without a moment's awkwardness. Simply right click on the avatar of the citizen with whom you wish to initiate a whisper chat or right click their name on the people list located next to the chat window. In the box that appears select "Whisper...". A separate little whisper-chat window appears. Everything you type into that box will be sent only to the person you've selected. You'll be able to keep track of what everyone else is saying while having a private conversation as well. Pretty cool. To end whisper mode click the red X in the whisper text box. 3D PC: To initiate a private conversation with someone in 3D , find their nickname in the people list to the right of the chat window then right click their name and select "Invite Chat" (see image above). You'll hear a telephone ring (if your sound is turned on) and that person will either accept or deny the private chat request. In the chat window you will see "Private chat established with: ____". While in private-chat mode the conversation appearing in the chat window will be between you and that other member only. By "un-docking" the PC window you can participate in a personal chat and be a part of the public chat too. If someone trys to PC you then you'll get something like this: In 3d you can follow several conversations at the same time, just right click on the chat window and select 'undock' Configure Display Language: If your native language is not English, you can change the labels and standard information in the software to display in an alternate language. Find the Options tab to the right of the chat window and choose Language. You'll get a pop up window from which you can choose English, French, German or Spanish. The other tabs enable you to see who is in the room you're in, which other places are open, which objects are available to buy, what's in your backpack, the chat logs and a number of other options - including changing your avatar (see Get into 3D at the How Do I?" page). If you right click on a person's name you can whisper to him, invite him to private chat or ignore him. When you change the language you also change your chat macros and other things. That is why sometimes you see: 'user saluda a todos' instead of 'user waves hello to everyone.' Voice Chat: The preliminary requirement for this software is that you have a sound card in your computer and some kind of speakers. Oh only works when you're surfing Cybertown in 3D. This is the way to get the Voice Chat software when you are new to Cybertown.: 1. Download the most recent version of the blaxxun Contact software 2. Sometime during this process you will be asked if you want the additional download of the text to voice software. Say yes. if you don't already have the Voice software , you will be asked if you want it. You can also get the voice software if you have Blaxxun Contact (3d Plugin) but you weren´t asked (Check it in the technical trouble-shooter section) So I guess now you want to change the sound of your voice? Read on... How to change your voice: go to Options and choose Voice After choosing Voice you will get a popup window that will allow you to choose the kind of voice you want to use. You can change your voice at any time. Happy Chatting! HOW DO I USE CHAT MACROS TO MAKE MY AVATAR SAY PRE-RECORDED TEXT? Go to your "Options" tab and Click "Chat Macros". You will see a list of macros titled from /g1 through /g8. The first by default is %1 waves hello to %2. "%1" stands for your "nickname" and "%2" stands for either "everybody" or the name of the person you have selected when you activate a chat macro in the chat box. To edit the macros select the line to edit or click new and in the box below type in the words or phrase you want . Then click update. To use the macro you will Click the (green arrow) image below the chat box and select one of the 8 choices.You can also call a chat macro by typing its code (e.g "/g1") HOW DO I MAXIMIZE MY CHAT BOX? Right Click your Chat Box and "Undock"..this expands the Chat Box and you can then resize. Click "Dock" to put it away. HOW DO I "CUT AND PASTE" TEXT FROM/TO MY CHAT SCREEN? To copy text (the words in the chat screen) highlite the text you want to copy by holding the Left mouse button down on the words you want then (while holding down the left button) drag your pointer across the text you want then right click on the words you hilighted then choose "copy". You only can copy from 3d chat window To copy to the 3d input area right click on it and select paste. The text that was in your clipboard will apear in your input area. You can only paste text. In 2d you can use the keyboard shortcuts. For Win click on the input area and press Control-V or Shift-Ins  ENTERING AND NAVIGATING IN 3D HOW DO I ENTER THE 3DVR? If you have blaxxun Contact installed, just click on button labeled 3D World and you'll load the 3D world. If you don't have Contact installed, a message will tell it to you and how to get the blaxxun Contact. You can also click on "How Do I?" on the Control Panel in the right hand frame and follow the easy step-by-step instructions under "Get Into 3D". Contact installs as a plug-in to your browser so that you can explore the 3DVR without leaving your browser. If you're on your house page and click on 3D World, it will take you to your 3DVR house. WHERE CAN I GET THE NEWEST VERSION OF BLAXXUN CONTACT? Go to the blaxxun Contact download page ( HOW DO I NAVIGATE IN 3D? When you first come into 3D you will have a navigation console to help you move around. Here is what all those buttons and doodads will do for you: 1. Click your mouse cursor in the stearing wheel and you will move in the direction the arrow is pointing. 2. Click left arrows to move thru predetermined viewpoints in the world you are in. 3. Click square button to go back to the entry point of the world you are in. 4. In the right Click the left arrow to slide to the left; the right arrow to slide to the right. 5. Click circle to collapse the console to a compact red square. If you are used to being in 3D and want to do away with the console then you can click in the 3D window, hold down the left mouse button and drag your cursor in the direction you want to move or use the cursor keys (arrows) on your keyboard.Click on the "?" to see the 3D menu. (You can also get it by right-clicking on the 3D scene) Also the Users Guide is available from Blaxxun. Click the link below and print it out for your reference. Blaxxun Contact 3D User's Guide ( ) Make sure you try all the options in the 3D Menu CONTACTING OTHER PEOPLE HOW DO I CONTACT OTHER MEMBERS (WHEN THEY ARE OFFLINE)? The usual way is sending them a message to the inbox. Just go to their house (as explained below, point your browser to -usual errors: I get a 404-Not found error / I get a Sorry but user doesn't have a house when I do this-) and click on inbox in the right frame. type your message and click on post.  You may have to scroll to find the (inbox) button. HOW DO I CONTACT MY BLOCK LEADER? When in your house, click on the house name ended in "(BL)", then click on post and submit your question. If you can´t see a "(BL)" house, submit your question to the members in houses ended at BD, ND, NL, CD, CL to contact other Cybertown staff (Block deputy, hood leader,...) If you don´t see any of above. Click on (in the right frame) the on (information) (when you can see your block map) and the in the name listed under Block Leader. Then you can send your question as explained above, and remind him/her to add "(BL)" to the house name.WHERE DO I FIND OUT WHAT'S COMING OR WHAT'S HAPPENING IN CYBERTOWN? To get the newest information ... - Read the city news magazine and the daily news (both available at the city-plaza and at the "Jump Gate" -the list box in the right frame-). - Contact your block-leader.( as explained in the last question) - Have a look at your block's message board. (when in your house click on -to get the block level- and then on messages ) - Check your inbox and message board regularly (when in your house click on inbox and on messages ) - Check the Cybertown Calendar (available from the Jump Gate) and the Activities (available at the Control Panel).Other way to know what is happening in the town is reading the feedback message board. This is the citywide most used message board. Click on Feedback from the control panel WHERE CAN I SEE WHO ELSE IS A MEMBER? Click the Directory button in the Control Panel then the Citizens link. HOW DO I SEARCH FOR OTHER CITIZENS OR THEIR HOMES? Click on the "Citizens" link at right side of your page. This is a search engine that can find citizens by name/experience/job. From there you can Click on their name or residence to go to their homes. Don't forget you can use the Instant Messenger to see if they are on there. WHAT IS THE "INSTANT MESSAGE CENTER"? This is a pager-type system that works when you are in Cybertown, and if you just minimize it, after you have left the City.  To see who is online click on Citizens online (in the top-right corner). A list will open. Click on a name to send an instant (pop-up) message. If you want to be warned when a friend enters in Cybertown, click on configure and type the name of your friend in one of the fields. HOW DO I JOIN A CLUB IN CYBERTOWN? There are now Clubs for just about everything. Click the "The Clubs" link on the Right side of your page and when you get there be sure and Bookmark the location for the future. In the upper box select the filter you want so you do not have to page through all the clubs. If you know what interest you are looking for your can enter a keyword in the next box. Then all you have to do is Click on "Join" and you will be accepted or contacted soon by the Club Owner. MY HOME WHAT CAN I DO IN MY FREE HOME? Well, you can invite your friends over, have family meetings, parties, business meetings or whatever you want. It's your virtual home! E-mail all your friends, give them the address and have fun!Your free home is where you have your own personal chat room and message board. You can have a description of yourself and a photo or image of something that represents your unique self. When people visit your home in 2D they see what ever info you'd like them to see. If you are home, they can chat with you. If you're not in they can leave messages on your message board. Of course you can also restrict who has access to your home. You can choose from many fully 3D virtual reality multi-user houses so people can visit you in 3DVR using avatars (3 dimensional physical representations of themselves) and move around and explore your home and chat with you. You can also furnish and customize your home. Having your own house also means you live in a block and have a Block Leader and Deputies who will help you in any question you have about Cybertown (see how to contact your BL) Having a house is the first step to become an active citizen.  HOW DO I GET MY HOME? Click on "How Do I?" on the Control Panel in the right hand frame and follow the easy step-by-step instructions under "Get My Home". HOW CAN I FIND MY HOME'S ADDRESS? Click the My House button on the Control Panel to go to your home. Scroll down in the right hand frame till you see the UP link. That will show you the Block you live on. Click that link and you will go up to the Neighborhood Level that you live on. Click once again and you will go up to the Colony Level that you live in. Your address can be given out as Colony Name/Neighborhood Name/Block Name/House Name. To allow your friends to quickly jump to your home just give them your Cybertown nickname with the address like this: "", example: (Usual errors: I get a 404-Not found error / I get a Sorry but user doesn't have a house when I do this) I WANT TO GET TO MY HOME PAGE WITHOUT GOING THROUGH THE CYBERTOWN HOME PAGE. I have added a Book Mark in my browsers so that I only have to click it to go to my page and only have to sign in my name and password once per net session. Once there I always check my "Inbox" for messages. That is the place your Block Leader will try to communicate with you. He/she is responsible for keeping an orderly neighborhood, facilitating activities, and helping residents with questions or problems. As I told you in the previous answer, the path to your home will be"xxxx" with "xxxx" being your user name. HOW DO I PUT A PICTURE OR GRAPHIC ON MY 2D PAGE. This is easy as long as you understand the limitations and follow each step in order. You must be using a 4.0 browser or higher. Some preparation helps. Find and remember where on your disk or hard drive the image you want is located. I have created a special sub-directory for mine that is called C:/Pictures. The pictures or graphics must be in a ".gif" or ".jpg" or ".jpeg" format, and be 15k or less in size. If they are not you may be able to manipulate them and resize by using a program such as Paint or Adobe Photo. Once on your Cybertown home, click on "Update". Then click "Image". Be sure the upper image box is clear. Scroll down to "Browse" and click it and locate the image you want to upload. You may have to select "All Files" in the "Files of Type" box. Then just click "Save" and the upload should be underway. When done be sure to click "Update" before you go back to your Home Page. Click on your browser "Reload" or "Refresh" button and click on your 2D button and it should show an image box that says "Image Not Checked". That just means it is now up to the Block Leader or Block Deputy to check your image and unlock it. Your BL (Block Leader) will check it at least once a week, but if it is in 'Not checked' mode too many time, read your inbox - click inbox in the right frame; It is a nice idea to do everyday you log in -, You may have a message from your BL telling what is wrong with the picture, if you don´t have it, you can contact your BL HOW CAN I CONFIGURE MY VIRTUAL PET? When in your house click on and then on 'Configure Virtual Pet' You´ll get at the configuration form. If you need more help click at in the configuration form. Sometimes your pet is gone even when the 'Active Bot' is checked, it is a Blaxxun server error. The pets (also called bots) can be configured to be a nice friend , an information source,.... CAN I PURCHASE A REALLY BIG HOUSE?. Of course (if you are one of those Rich, Upscale type people). Just go to "Update" and check out the interiors and exteriors now available. The Really Big ones will cost you $2,000. You can also upgrade later when you can afford this life style. HOW CAN I READ THE MESSAGES PEOPLE LEAVE IN MY HOUSE? It is easy. When in your house, click "inbox" and "messages" in the right frame, It is very important to do this because many people will contact you by 'inboxing' you. If when you read your messages, they have HTML tags (things between < and >) that means that you did not have the HTML enabled in your inbox and/or message board. It is very easy to do and will allow you and others, to post and see image gifs, color font, music and more. To enable HTML. First go to your message board and click configure, then scroll to the bottom and change switch to YES, then click POST. Follow the same procedure in your inbox.  CAN I MODIFY MY INBOX OR MESSAGE PAGE WITH PICTURES OR GRAPHICS OR DIFFERENT TEXT/SIZE/COLORS? Yes you may. Click on inbox or messages and the on configure. In the text area you can type the text (and the codes) you want.  The HTML tags/code are very useful. In the Glossary -> HTML you can find some: HOW DO I PUT LINKS TO MY INTERESTS ON MY LINKS PAGE? You can place links to your places of interest (up to 5) by Clicking the "Update" button/"Information"(at the bottom of the page) and type in your links. Be sure to type the right address and after you update and return to your home be sure to follow the links to be sure that they work properly. Don´t type Cybertown 3D places links, because only a 3D scene can be opened at the same time Remember the http://  HOW DO I SOLVE LOAD/DISPLAY PROBLEMS WITH MY INBOX/MESSAGE BOARD/INFORMATION ? Go to your "Update" button and Click "Information". Then Click the "Reset" button. From this point on you will have to be careful if you have used HTML code to construct your Info/Message/Inbox pages. Resetting any of the three pages will delete your code and revert to default, so you may have to reconstruct. Open up all three boxes and right click in them and choose View Source. A text editor will open up and allow you to save the code. The first "Reset" button will default the "Information" Board. The second and third the "Message" Board, and the last two the "Inbox" Board. Although this may cause you some additional work it is preferable to having to move to a new house. CAN I MOVE? Yes, click on a new free spot and a confirmation page will appear. CAN MY HOUSE BE DELETED? As space is limited in the city residents that haven't logged in to their home for some weeks (at least 4) and that haven't informed their block leader about their absence might lose their house (but NOT their cash and experience points). Therefore, please contact your block leader in advance if you will not be able to come back to your house soon. Warning: in Virtual Worlds colony, people that have less than 100 experience points can loose their houses if they haven´t logged in for 2 weeks. Read it at I CAN´T ARRIVE AT MY HOME There are 2 common errors: *I get a 404-Not found error . *I get a Sorry but user doesn't have a house . BUYING ,SELLING AND PLACING OBJECTS GENERAL Persistent shared objects (mostly furniture for your homes, so far) have been added to Cybertown. "Shared" means that these 3D objects and their locations can be viewed by people all over the world at the same time. When they move, everybody sees where they moved to. "Persistent" means that after anyone or everyone leaves the space, the objects remain there and will still be there when they return. These objects can be handled in 3D and 2D blaxxun Contact versions 4 upwards. blaxxun Contact 3D is the plug-in that you downloaded in order to enter the 3D worlds. blaxxun Contact Java is available in your Java-equipped browser without any download but only enables chatting in 2D. Objects can be bought at shops in the Shopping Mall, and members can place them in their private properties and can trade them with other members. This document describes the shared object features from the perspective of Cybertown members.  THE SHOPPING MALL The Cybertown Shopping Mall can be reached via the City Map. The Mall consists of several shops: the Gallery selling pictures, the Gift Shop selling art objects and flowers, the Appliances Shop selling lamps and TV sets, the Furniture Store selling armchairs and sofas, the Carpet Shop selling rugs to decorate floors ... All shops are linked from the Shopping Mall, and can be reached either from the 3D world or from the 2D image of the Mall.  Shopping with blaxxun Contact 3D After you enter a shop with blaxxun Contact 3D, the objects for sale in the shop are displayed in 3D. A list of all objects available for purchase in the shop (or possibly available for sale in someone's home) is displayed in a tab panel called "Public Objects". That tab panel can be found in the lower right frame of the blaxxun Contact 3D interface. The panel is the third panel from the left, after the "People" and the "Places" panels. Activate the panel by clicking on the third tab from the left. Select an object from the object list by left-clicking on it. Beam to an object in the object list by double clicking on it. Activate the action menu of an object by right-clicking on its entry in the object list. The following options are offered in the action menu of an object: Beam To lets you beam to the object. Display lets you display the object in a separate browser window. Buy lets you buy the object. Sometimes the object is sold out. In this case the option Buy doesn´t appear and in 'Count' appears 0 If you click on 'Count' (beside name) the objects will be sorted and theavailable objects will appear together.   Shopping with blaxxun Contact Java (2D) In blaxxun Contact Java, the list of objects for sale in a shop is listed in the "Public Objects" panel; this is the third panel, and you can reach it by clicking twice on the "Next" button. Activate an object's action menu by clicking on the object's name in the list. The following options are offered in the action menu of an object. Display lets you display the object in a separate browser window. Buy lets you buy the object. In 2D you can get the VRML (3D) representation of the object by selecting display -> VRML representation Buying an Object in a Shop In order to buy something from a shop, you have to enter the shop using either blaxxun Contact 3D or blaxxun Contact Java (2D). Display the list of objects for sale by activating the "Public Objects" list of the shop (see above for details). Select an object from the shop's object list, right-click on it and select the Buy option from the object's action menu. The object is displayed in a separate window with its description and price. Click on the "Buy" button if you want to buy the object. Once you click on the "Buy" button, the object is transferred into your "My Objects" bag and your new object is displayed. The price of the object is deducted from your Cybertown money account.  HANDLING OBJECTS YOU OWN Listing Your Own Objects in blaxxun Contact 3D You always carry the objects that are listed in your "My Objects" bag around with you, but the list can only be displayed if you are in a place that is activated for objects, like a shop or a member's home. These are the objects that you have bought but have not yet placed in your home or sold or traded. In blaxxun Contact 3D, the list of objects you have in your bag is listed in a tab panel called "My Objects ". That tab panel can be found in the lower right frame of the blaxxun Contact 3D interface. It's the fourth panel from the left, after the "People", the "Places" panel and the "Public Objects" panels.   Activate the panel by clicking on the fourth tab from the left. Select an object from the object list by left-clicking on it. Activate an object's action menu by right-clicking on its entry in the object list. The following options are offered in an object's action menu: Display lets you display the object in a separate browser window. Destroy lets you destroy the object. Listing Your own Objects with blaxxun Contact Java (2D) You always carry the objects that are listed in your "My Objects" bag around with you, but the list can only be displayed if you are in a place that is activated for objects, like a shop or a member's home. In blaxxun Contact Java, the list of objects in your bag is listed in the "My Objects " panel. It's the fourth panel and you can reach it by clicking three times on the "Next" button. Activate an object's action menu by clicking on the object's name in the object list. The following options are offered in an object's action menu: Display lets you display the object in a separate browser window. Destroy lets you destroy the object. Dropping an Object into Your Property Enter your property and select an object from the list of "My Objects" that you have in your bag. Select the "Drop" action from the actions menu of the object. If you drop an object in blaxxun Contact 3D, the object is dropped right in front of you; if you drop an object in blaxxun Contact Java, it is dropped at the center of your place. Dropping an object removes it from the list of objects in your "My Objects" bag and adds it to the list of "Public Objects" of your property.  In 3d you can move (see below) the object after dropping it to you property, remember clicking the green mark Taking an Object from Your Property You can pick up objects you dropped into your property by selecting the "Take " option from the object's actions menu. Taking an object removes it from the list of "Public Objects" of your property and adds it to the list of your "My Objects" bag.  Taking an object is the easy way to recover an object you have lost while dropping. Moving an Object in blaxxun Contact 3D Display the list of objects in your property by choosing the "Public Objects" tab panel while you are in your property. If you right-click on an object in the list, you'll see "Move" in the actions menu. If you select the "Move" option from the object's actions menu, the object move control is displayed in the 3D window. Drag the red arrows to move the object to the left or right. Drag the green arrows to move the object up or down. Drag the blue arrows to move the object closer to you or farther away. Drag the blue sphere to rotate the object. Clicking the red "X" cancels the move and the move control is no longer displayed. Clicking the green "checkmark" terminates the move and leaves the object at its current position. There is a bug in older versions of blaxxun Contact 3D that seems to duplicate the object once it is moved. The duplication is only temporary though; once you re-enter your property the duplicate object is gone. Please download the upgrade to the latest version of blaxxun Contact 3D if you see this effect. If you completely lose an object behind walls while moving it around, take the object with the "Take " action and drop it into your property anew, it will be dropped right in front of you. Changing Objects you Own If you display the attributes of objects that are located in your "My Objects" bag or located in your property, you can change the object's name, trade price and buyer name. You can do this in the form that's displayed when you click on the "Display" option in the object's actions menu. If you leave the Object Price empty, nobody can buy or take the object from you. If you set the Object Price to some value, other members can buy the object from you for the price you set there. If you also set a Buyer Name, only the member with that name can buy the object from you.  Selling an Object You can set a selling price for an object that you own, and also specify who can buy it. You can do this in the form that's displayed when you click on the "Display " option in the object's actions menu. If you specify an Object Price for one of your objects, other members can buy it from you at that price; if you also specify a Buyer Name for the object, only the member with that name can buy the object from you. Example: Setting the Object Price of an armchair in your property to $200 will allow anybody who is willing to pay $200 for it to take the armchair from your property. If you set the Buyer Name of the chair to "Guy" only the member named Guy can buy the object. Just leave the Object Price and the Buyer Name of your objects empty if you do not want to sell them at all. HANDLING OTHER MEMBER´S OBJECTS  Listing Objects in a Property The objects located in a property can be listed by activating the "Public Objects" tab. In blaxxun Contact 3D this is the third tab from the left, after the "People" and the "Places" tabs, just click on it to activate it. In blaxxun Contact Java (2D) the tab can be reached by clicking the "Next" button twice. Note: The "Public Objects" tab is only available in places that are activated for object handling, like the shops and the private homes of the members. Listing Objects in other Member's Bags If you are in a place that is activated for object handling, like the shops and the private homes of members, you can look at the list of objects in those other members' "My Object" bags. Activate the "People" tab panel - this panel is actually activated by default when you enter a place. Right-click on another member's name; this displays the member menu. Choose "Objects" from that menu. This displays the list of objects in the "My Objects " bag of the other member. Right-clicking on an object in that list displays the action menu with the options that are available to you for the selected object. Have fun! EXPERIENCE POINTS CITYCASH & JOBS WHAT ARE EXPERIENCE POINTS AND CITYCASH, WHAT ARE THEY FOR AND HOW DO I GET THEM? You automatically earn experience points just by coming to Cybertown (5 per day). If you have a job, you earn 10 points every time you visit. Plus each job earns from 10 to 25 experience points per week depending on the job. You need certain amounts of experience points for certain jobs and to do such things as opening a Club. The experience points system is published below (you can also get it from the Web) and lists all the information as well as listing the various rewards that will be given as citizens reach certain levels. You start with 1,000 citycash dollars. You automatically earn citycash just by coming to Cybertown (50 per day). If you have a job, you earn 100 cc every time you visit. Plus each job earns from 100 to 350 citycash per week depending on the job. You will receive 500 cc for every friend you introduce to Cybertown. Many citizens earn cc by creating objects and selling them in the Mall. One citizen is now a multi-millionairess from doing this. You will want to spend your citycash on furniture, pets and other objects for your homes. Buy bigger homes with more features! Enter the CityCash Game of Chance, when running, and win hundreds of thousands of citycash dollars. Soon there will be luxury mansions, yachts and other items to spend your citycash on and you can use them to get discounts on real products such as Spazz3D (a program for creating objects). HOW DO I GET A JOB IN CYBERTOWN? Go to the Job Application Form in the Employment Office and fill in your info and what job you're applying for. There are Job offers at the bottom of the right frame. You can find more information in the "How Do I?" pages on the control panel in the right hand frame. The usual first jobs are BD (block deputy) or club assistant. WHAT JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN Cybertown? City Mayor, Deputy Mayor, City Council, Colony Leader, Security Chief, City Architect, CVN Editor, Senior City Guide, Colony Deputy, Deputy Security Chief, Senior Security Deputy, Neighborhood Leader, Security Deputy, Clubs Chief, News Editor, ePlex Chief, Employment Chief, Flea Market Chief, Mall Manager, Security, Places Chiefs, Casino (and other ePlex Chiefs), Deputy Senior City Guide, Sponsor Clubs Chief, Teen Group Leader, Homebuilder Mall Manager, Club Owner, Neighborhood Deputy, Block Leader, Employment Deputy, Flea Market Deputy, Mall Deputy, Clubs Deputy, ePlex Deputy, Ambassador, VRML Doc, Post Office Manager, CVN Cy-tographer, City Guide, CVN staff, World Builder, HTML Tech Support, Sponsor Clubs Deputy, Block Deputy, Places Deputies, Casino Deputy, Post Office Deputy, Teen Leader, Group Leader, Club Assistant, Football Teams In Charge, Youth Council, and more.... a) THE MAYOR - He runs the community and liaises between the Founders and the City Council and by coordinating the activities of the City Council. He also handles PR functions such as press conferences in the community, heading up community planning meetings and emergency and other meetings of the Council. He is responsible for seeing that goals set by the Founders are achieved via strategic plans implemented by the City Council. He has veto power in times of deadlock over voting issues. b) THE CITY COUNCIL - Runs the strategic plans and proposes new ones to handle specific areas. Each Colony Leader is on the Council. The City Council also proposes and votes on new laws based on the Constitution and appoints new Council Members and coordinates the activities of the various town Leaders. The Security Chief is also on the City Council. c) CITY GUIDES - Helping visitors and members - this includes such functions as Community Guides who help by answering questions, helping them find things in the community, giving tours, helping them build homes, manning the message boards, hosting chat sessions and helping with any problems. d) WORLD BUILDERS - Helping expand and update the community - this includes such things as building new areas, buildings, attractions, objects - including furniture and avatars - and features to add to the community, helping promote the community, repairing and maintaining the community etc. e) MAGAZINE STAFF - Acts as an information liaison between the Founder, the City Council and the community. This includes such things as providing information and announcements to the community about events, guidelines, news, running the community newspaper, creating a newsletter, letting the community know about Cybertown appearances in the media and letting the Founders get needed information from the community. f) SECURITY OFFICERS - Maintaining order in the community - this includes such things as checking into the rooms areas and ensuring that people follow the guidelines regarding no profanity and disruptive behavior and no offensive images in buildings etc. g) EMPLOYMENT CHIEF - Responsible for allocating and filling job positions in the community. h) CLUB OWNERS - Helping members get to know each other and bringing together members with similar interests - includes such things as organizing and running special-interest Clubs with message boards and chat discussion groups Other duties: COLONY, NEIGHBORHOOD AND BLOCK LEADERS (and their DEPUTIES) - They are responsible for activating new neighborhoods with those responsible (in discussion with the City Council) and checking the Colonies with all those responsible for the neighborhoods and blocks. Those responsible for neighborhoods: Can activate new blocks within their neighborhood and check those responsible for blocks and everything in their neighborhood. Those responsible for blocks: Can activate new properties within their block and check everything in their blocks. Can check all posted personal images for a property and can accept or deny those images. An important task is to keep the properties clean and to support all members within their block. EXPERIENCE POINTS AND CITYCASH SYSTEM Note - this is not a list of all jobs but includes enough to act as a guideline for other jobs. Citycash is earned only for the highest job held. ACTIVITY POINTS CITYCASH EVENT/FREQUENCY Immigrating   1000 Once Visiting Cybertown 5 50 Once a day   10 100 Once a day for those with a Job Referring a new member   500 Once per new member         JOBS POINTS CITYCASH (Weekly) City Mayor 25 350   Deputy Mayor 25 325   City Council 25 300   Colony Leader 25 300   Security Chief 25 300   City Architect 20 275   CVN Editor 20 275   Senior City Guide 20 275   Colony Deputy 20 275   Deputy Security Chief 20 275   Senior Security Deputy 20 275   Neighborhood Leader 20 275   Security Deputy 20 250   Clubs Chief 20 250   News Editor 20 250   ePlex Chief 20 250   Employment Chief 20 250   Flea Market Chief 20 250   Mall Manager 20 250   Security 20 225   Places Chiefs 20 225   Casino (and other ePlex Chiefs) 20 225   Deputy Senior City Guide 20 225   Sponsor Clubs Chief 20 200   Teen Group Leader 20 200   Homebuilder Mall Manager 20 200   Club Owner 20 200   Neighborhood Deputy 18 235   Block Leader 15 225   Employment Deputy 15 225   Flea Market Deputy 15 225   Mall Deputy 15 225   Clubs Deputy 15 225   ePlex Deputy 15 225   Ambassador 15 225   VRML Doc 15 200   Post Office Manager 15 200   CVN Cy-tographer 15 200   City Guide 15 200   CVN staff 15 200   World Builder 15 200   HTML Tech Support 10 200   Sponsor Clubs Deputy 10 175   Block Deputy 10 175   Places Deputies 10 175   Casino Deputy 10 175   Post Office Deputy 10 175   Teen Leader 10 150   Group Leader 10 150   Club Assistant 10 150   Football Teams In Charge 10 150   Youth Council 10 100 Extra Citycash and Experience Points can be awarded by the Council for stellar contribution from time to time. REWARDS SYSTEM (these statuses are voted on by the Council when a potentially eligible member applies for the status) ELDER - 5,000 exp pts and at least 1 year valuable contribution with good record A Cybertown t-shirt * Honorable Mention in the Daily News Special Elder avatar Listing on the High Rankings page with link to your house TEMPLAR - 10,000 exp pts and at least 2 years valuable contribution with good record A Cybertown poster and bumper sticker * Honorable Mention in the Daily News and VIRT Special Templar avatar Listing on the High Rankings page with link to your house WIZARD - 15,000 exp pts and at least 3 years valuable contribution with good record A Cybertown mousepad and a choice of any other Cybertown merchandise * A special web page devoted to them Honorable Mention in the Daily News and VIRT Special Wizard avatar Listing on the High Rankings page with link to your house VIRTMASTER - 20,000 exp pts and at least 4 years valuable contribution with good record 3D graphics card or RAM upgrade * A special unique house for Virtmasters and above Honorable Mention in the Daily News and VIRT Special VIRTMaster avatar Listing on the High Rankings page with link to your unique house KNIGHT VIRTUAL - 25,000 exp pts and at least 5 years valuable contribution with good record Picks a new place for people to visit that Cybertown doesn't have and helps with the design and it is named as theirs Honorable Mention in the Daily News and VIRT Special Knight Virtual avatar Listing on the High Rankings page with link to your unique house * these rewards marked with an * are reserved for top leaders such as Mayor's Office and City Council and they can also be voted on as additional rewards for particularly worthy citizens who have reached these levels. AVATARS WHAT IS AN AVATAR? A 3D representation of oneself in virtual reality. The image of a resident as seen by others in 3D.An avatar is a VRML (.wrl) object. HOW DO I GET AN AVATAR? If you're in 3D Chat using blaxxun Contact, you already have the blue visitor avatar. If you want to see it, right-click on the VR screen and choose, "View my Avatar". HOW DO I CHANGE MY AVATAR? Click on "My info" on the Contol Panel and then on Avatars, in the field type the URL of your avatar. Fore more information, click on "How Do I?" on the Control Panel in the right hand frame and follow the easy step-by-step instructions under "Change My Avatar". HOW DO I GET MY OWN UNIQUE AVATAR? The first place to search is the "Avatar Library" located under the "Options" menu tab next to your chat box. I personally like the "Meet Factory". Just click on the one you want and it will be imported for you. You may have to reload or refresh your page to try it out. You can have more than one avatar in your file at a time and switch back and forth. You can also find the URL's of avatars and copy down the location and retype it into your "Personal Information" box located under "Options". Other links to find avatars are listed below but be aware that some do not support gestures or they may not work in Cybertown. Blaxxun Avatars, Trouble Avatars, Avatar Library, Ocnus Avatars, Meetfactory, MIH Avatars, Aero Avatars CAN I USE MY OWN AVATAR? Yes - but keep it to workable dimensions, file sizes etc. Any VRML (*.wrl) file can be used as an avatar. CAN I CREATE AN AVATAR? Yes you can! blaxxun has created blaxxun Avatar Studio which is now available for purchase from the blaxxun website at: HOW DO I CONTROL THE BODY GESTURES OF MY AVATAR? Many avatars can be controlled with keywords (when you type it the avatar waves) but some cannot. You will just have to try out the avatar you have brought in. The gestures are controlled by keywords in "Body Language" section that you will find under the "Options" tab next to your chat box. The configuration is fairly easy if you are careful in your editing. The following keywords (or your choice) inserted in your macros cause the following gestures: ID#1 bow left/middle/right = hello ID#2 flip = hey or watch ID#3 bow middle = yes ID#4 forward to the left = smile ID#5 around right = frown ID#6 shakes head = no ID#7 same as number 5 = not ID#8 swings left/right = bye If you want to edit the default keywords so that the gestures will respond to the word you type you first select the ID#. Then add the word or delete a word in the box below. Then click update. HOW CAN I LEARN TO BETTER NAVIGATE IN 3D WITH MY AVATAR ? This question was answered in Quick navigation guide , Also the Users Guide is available from Blaxxun. Click the link below and print it out for your reference. Blaxxun Contact 3D User's Guide ( HOW DO I GET BACK WHEN I GET LOST IN SPACE OR IN A WALL WITH MY AVATAR? Right Click on the screen and choose "Viewpoints" and "Reset". To undo the naviagation just press backspace (in your keyboard) FREE CYBERTOWN E-MAIL Let the galaxy know how cool you are! Get your very own, totally free "" email account. Here's the facts 1. Cybertown membership is required before applying for your free email. 2. You must be at least 13 years old. 3. Use the Jump Gate located under the Control Panel to get to the Post Office. 4. Find the Free Email button located under the Jump Gate and click it. 5. Follow the online instructions from there. You can also send your friends a postcard while you are in the Post Office click (send postcard) . You can ask them to join Cybertown and share some great times with you.If they join and give your nick as referal-bonus, you´ll win prizes (click on win at T-shirt on the topleft corner) TECHNICAL SUPPORT I AM HAVING GOT TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES1) I GET AN ERROR MESSAGE WHEN I TRY TO ENTER 3D OR I CRASH OR FREEZE OR NOT EVERYTHING LOADS. Typical Error Messages: a) This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down b) IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in module "x" c) Windows: An exception has occured at "x" d) VRML syntax error: line "x" e) access violation f) any other error message or freeze or crash g) see # 3) below for an error message that needs a different solution SOLUTIONS: (i) This is usually caused by damaged or corrupted files in the cache. Clear the cache of both your browser and blaxxun Contact and try again.* This helps in almost all known cases. This will also happen if you interrupt the 3D download by trying to do something else while the 3D world is loading or if it somehow gets accidentally interrupted. This is a Netscape and Microsoft browser problem at this time. (ii) In a few other cases this happens because another user has uploaded a damaged object or avatar into Cybertown. As we find these we remove them. (iii) Your 3D capabilities may not be adequate. Go to our trouble-shooting site ( and run the 3D-Test to check your 3D-capabilities. Note: When such a crash occurs, it might happen that an instance of blaxxun Contact remains active in the background after the browser was closed. In that case you may receive the message that it is still open in another window. This should disappear after a moment or after rebooting your machine. * HOW TO CLEAR YOUR CACHE:One way to do this in Contact is to right-click on the 3D screen and select Preferences/Cache Settings/Empty My Cache. Unfortunately this will empty your cache of all worlds which will make them take longer to load next time you enter them. Better if you only crashed in one specific place is to go to your Windows (or other) File Manager (Windows Explorer) and find the Program Files/Blaxxun Contact/cache directory (usually on your C: drive), look for the subdirectory, select places, then the place where you crashed, then delete all the files in this subdirectory. To clear your Netscape cache, choose Edit/Preferences, double-click Advanced and select Cache and then Clear Memory Cache and Clear Disk Cache. To clear your Microsoft Internet Explorer cache, chooseView/Internet_Options, choose General and select Delete Files under Temporary Internet Files. 2) I CANNOT ACCESS HOUSES THROUGH THE METHOD OF "" ANYMORE. I GET A "404 NOT FOUND" ERROR MESSAGE. WHEN I GO TO THE CITIZEN'S DIRECTORY AND CLICK ON A FRIEND'S NAME IT SAYS "PAGE NOT FOUND". SOLUTION: This is a problem with Internet Explorer 5.0. In IE5, click on 'Tools' in the menu bar, and select 'Internet Options'. Click on the 'Advanced' tab, and you should see a list of options. Uncheck the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" box and the "Show friendly URL's" box and click OK or APPLY to save your options. 3) WHEN I TRY TO START BLAXXUN CONTACT I GET A MESSAGE THAT SAYS "ERROR LOADING BLAXXUN CONTACT CHAT PLUG-IN" OR "ERROR STARTING BLAXXUN CONTACT 3D PLUG-IN". SOLUTION: Look into your Windows system directory (C:\Windows\System) and look for a file named bxxml40.dll. If this file is not in your Windows-System-directory please copy this Blaxxun´s file ( into this directory (you will need to unzip it first). It is sometimes not sufficient to only copy this file into the windows-system-directory. In some cases it is also necessary to repeat the registration of blaxxun Contact afterwards. To do this, go to the directory you installed blaxxun Contact to and double-click the register.exe file. This will repeat the registration of blaxxun Contact. 4) I CAN'T GET THE 2D GREEN CHAT WINDOW.SOLUTIONS: (i) Maybe you have set your security settings to a very high level or you have disabled Java. Please check this in your Netscape or IE settings and enable Java if you haven´t done it yet or set the security settings to medium. (ii) It has to do with the recent security problem that Microsoft discovered in the newest IE5 update. Download the patch for it and 2D will work. (iii) You're using WebTV and WebTV doesn't support Java. (iv) You're using Netscape with the MacOS. Netscape is known to have a poor Java implementation on this system. The newest versions are a bit better but still with lots of bugs. You can also try Microsoft IE for MAcOS. They haven't implemented their own Java-engine (Netscape uses its own) and therefore they use the Mac-java-engine instead. This one works pretty well. If you don´t see the 2d chat window, press the (2d worls)button. If now you can see it, change the configuration at My Info->Personal Info->Chat Default to 2D 5) I KEEP GETTING A "NO SERVER CONNECTED" MESSAGE OR THE 2D CHATS DON'T LOAD. THEY NEVER GET FURTHER THAN THE "Monday, November 01, 1999 CONNECTING TO COMMUNITY SERVER..." MESSAGE. SOLUTIONS: Maybe you have some problems with firewall or proxy-settings. Please take a look at our troubleshooting-site ( and run the multiuser-test. You should also take a look at our firewall-FAQ ( and read carefully through all the hints.Try reloading the page. 6) I HAVE TROUBLE DOWNLOADING CONTACT. SOLUTIONS: (i) On the download page there is a link for the "manual download". Please try this again instead of the full automatic direct setup, as this sometimes has problems with Win98 (ii) If this doesn´t help you, you could download directly via ftp: (DirectX-version Win95/98) (OpenGL version for WinNT) Just save this file on your hard disk, start the program and follow the instructions 7) I'M USING AOL AND GETTING VARIOUS PROBLEMS. SOLUTIONS: There are often lots of problems for AOL users when they try to leave their encapsulated AOL-world and try to gain unrestricted access to the Internet. Lots of these problems can be partially solved using an external browser instead of the AOL-built-in browser. Using the internal browser in AOL is not the best choice for running any applications on the Internet not to mention 3D graphics. Also AOL uses so much RAM and resources that there is hardly RAM left for our plug-in. You can check this using a shareware-tool called freemem (available from or any shareware site). This tool lets you control the RAM in use. In addition you should clear the cache of both your browser and blaxxun Contact from time to time, as often damaged files in the caches lead to problems. 8) I AM EXPERIENCING VERY STRANGE VISUAL GRAPHICS, MISSING TEXTURES AND ALSO CRASHES.  SOLUTION: The current ATI RAGE graphics cards are not very stable for 3D even with the latest drivers. Until the drivers are improved there is no real solution other than than to use a more stable 3D card such as an STB nVidea. 16-32MB graphics RAM is also recommended. You should also use the current version of DirectX. You can check your DirectX settings. If you have installed directX properly there should be a file named dxdiag.exe somewhere in the Windows-System-directory. Double-click it to check your DirectX installation. Try all the graphic quality options (High speed, quality, MMX...) at the 3D menu (right click the 3d scene) to see what is the best for you. You may need to active the 'Headlight in the VR-scene menu 9) I SOMETIMES HAVE DIFFICULTIES LOADING THE FLEA MARKET OR THE MALLS. The problem is that sometimes people bring in some objects that have faults or problems in their VRML description. If these problems are too extensive, the browser can currently crash. We try to eliminate such problem objects as soon as we notice them. 10) WHEN I DOWNLOADED CONTACT IT DIDN'T ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT VOICE CHAT. HOW CAN I GET IT? SOLUTIONS: (i) You can start the download of the chat talk program manually. Go to the options menu of blaxxun Contact and select "Voice", then you can start the download of the software you need. (ii) When you are in 3D chat, look in the right side of the chat window for a tab called "Options". Select this tab, and select "Voice". You will see a pop-up menu, and one of the options will be "Enable Voice in this World." 11) I WANT MORE THAN 32 OBJECTS IN MY HOUSE. The reasons for the 32 object limit in a 3D home is due to the number of objects which have to be recalculated and redrawn for each avatar. The limit is not due to the file size of the objects, for once the object is downloaded, it's in your cache or on your hard drive. There's also the matter of bandwidth constraints. Bandwidth is how much stuff you can send through an internet connection. It takes more bandwidth to download a photograph in one second than it takes to download a page of text in one second. Large sound files, computer programs, and animated videos require still more bandwidth for acceptable system performance. Virtual reality and full-length three-dimensional audio/visual presentations require the most bandwidth of all. Cybertown is always looking for ways to improve the speed and quality of the 3D VR experience. Basically, if they could they would, but the bandwidth can't support any more shared items right now. For those who want to get the maximum effect in furnishing their home, the situation can be helped by buying packages of furniture. Rather than buy one bed as one object, you can buy a bedroom set consisting of, for example, a bed, a nightstand, and a lamp as one object. The builders of VR furniture (our talented fellow citizens) are always interested in what the consumer wants, so feel free to leave requests at the Mall's message board. Cybertown is constantly inventing new ways to improve the technology so watch for continual advancements. 12) I WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO GO INTO 3D WITH MY MAC. The Mac cannot currently do multi-user VR. The current blaxxun Contact (needed for 3D in Cybertown) requires the Microsoft COM architecture. Microsoft has announced that they plan to port it to the Mac. However, until there is a solid COM implementation on the Mac, the Macintosh version is not likely to be developed. However, blaxxun Contact should run in the Windows 95 emulation on the latest Macs (e.g. G3) - albeit slowly. 13) I HAVE 32MB RAM - IS THAT ENOUGH? With only 32MB of RAM it is hard enough to run only Win98 and nothing else. For 3D applications you need a lot more. 14)A HOUSE IS GONE. I RECEIVE A USER DOESN'T HAS HOUSE IN CYBERTOWN ERROR. he message can have 3 causes. -User doesn´t exists -User hasn´t built its own house yet. -User´s house has been deleted: As space is limited in the city residents that haven't logged in to their home for some weeks and that haven't informed their block leader about their absence might lose their house (but NOT their cash and experience points). Therefore, please contact your block leader in advance if you will not be able to come back to your house soon. There are also a lot more answers at the blaxxun support page.( If you did not find an answer to your question here, please send us a problem report. ( GLOSSARYWHAT DOES ALL THIS WORDS (Block Leader, Avatar, ...) MEAN? 1st Person View: It is what the avatar 'views with its eyes'. You won´t see your avatar when in this mode. (In fact you switch to this mode by unchecking 'View My Avatar' 2D- Two DimensionsThe Basic mode of Cybertown. This allows chat and a 2D residence; also: allowing some information on the resident to be posted. 3D- Three Dimensions - The unique software Heart of Cybertown, offering residents the ability to walk around in a Virtual Three Dimensional World, purchase and place objects in a home, club, and other areas. "Going 3D" requires a computer advanced enough to cope with the additional graphics to be manipulated as you move around in a 3D environment. 3rd Person View. It is what someone behind your avatar would see. You will see your avatar´s back and the environement. AFK: Away From Keyboard ASAP:As Soon As Possible Avatar- A 3D representation of oneself in virtual reality.The image of a resident as seen by others in 3D. Cybertown offers a variety of Avatars to choose from. Special Avatars can be constructed or purchased by residents. Every conceivable image may be seen in Cybertown in an Avatar form. BD- = Block deputy BFN: Bye For NowBL- = Block leader Block Deputy = (BD)- Performs duties at the Block Level for the Block Leader. These duties may include the checking and approval of images sent in by residents, monitoring of Internet links provided by residents, the keeping of logs showing the residents Last Access. The BD reports to the Block Leader. His/her house is easily identifiable because it´s name ends in (BD) e.g Wenston´s Lair(BD)  Block leader (BL)- The person responsible for a Block. This position encompasses all the duties and monitoring of the BD level, and supervises the responsibilities of the BD's on a Block. The Block Leader reports to the ND (Neighborhood Deputy) and the NL (Neighborhood Leader). The Block Leader determines what areas of the Block will be opened for new residents based on neighborhood rules, and when necessary, Deletes homes that are left abandoned for a month or more. His/her house is easily identifiable because it´s name ends in (BL) e.g Tinland(BL). See How do contact my Block leader Bots - 3D beings with limited intelligence that can be programmed to serve or to impart information. In Cybertown you can add bots to your 3D home to keep you company and to greet your guests. BRB: Be Right BackBTW: By The Way Chat- (Internet conversation) There are several ways to chat in Cybertown. When at home, or in a public area, a citizen can partake in a Public Chat that can be read and/or heard by everyone present. A Whisper Chat can also be enabled, allowing a person to send a message to a specific individual, of a personal nature. This chat, although read in the Public Chat, cannot be read by others in the area, or room. Private Chat - This option gives you the ability to engage with only one person, in a separate window. This window will overlay the public chat window, or can be "Undocked", allowing 2 windows, the Public Chat window, and a separate Private Chat window, for private messages to the individual you are writing to. Additional chat services, such as ICQ, or Yahoo Pager, etc. are also used extensively. CityCash - the economic currency in Cybertown. CoCi = Colony City Colony City (CoCi)- The first name for the 3D-Cybertown environment and hence, a synonym for "Cybertown". CT: Cybertown CU: See YouCUL: See You LaterCUL8R: See You LaterCybertown - Civilization for the Virtual Age - a unique 3D VR community where members have 3D homes, a government, a rich social structure, jobs and an economy and where they buy, sell and trade virtual furniture and other items. Cybertown also features virtual pets, 3D clubs, virtual Flea Markets, dancing avatars, contests & prizes and voice chat and much more. CyT - Cybertown Time. All events in Cybertown are schedule on Cybertown Time (CyT) which just happens to coincide with the Eastern time zone on Earth.  Daily News - Cybertown's daily virtual newspaper which can be reached from the upper right-hand corner of the Cybertown site. The Daily News keeps Cybertown citizens informed of all the latest news and events. ePlex - Cybertown's Entertainment Complex which can be found via the jump gate. It features a Night Club, Arcade, Casino, Movie Theater and Art Galleries. Experience points- The total points as collected by a citizen, the accumulation of these points is dependent on how often the resident enters Cybertown. Experience points are given for job-holders once a week and for Cybertown-access once a day. Re-entering Cybertown twice on a given day will not give additional Exp. Points. Many Jobs available in Cybertown require a minimum in Exp. Points, although some flexibility exists for exceptional performance and level of involvement in a community by a resident.FAQ- = Frequently asked questions Flea Market - a world where Citizens gather to barter with one another for virtual objects. Auctions of virtual objects are held here weekly. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)- This is a collection of commonly asked questions. Examples - How do I choose a new home? How do I choose my Avatar? How do I apply for a job? Etc. FYI: For Your InformationGR8: GreatHelp- A collection of information to aid a citizen in performing many basic functions in Cybertown Hood- = (FAQ)- This is a collection of commonly asked questions. Examples - How do I choose a new home? How do I choose my Avatar? How do I apply for a job? Etc.Hood- = Neighbourhood House = - The personal residence of a citizen. In 2D, this can be where a resident's favourite picture or image is kept, along with all personal information. Chats with friends commonly occur at this location. At the residence, a citizen can post favourite Internet links and information on favorite hobbies and activities. In 3D, a residence can additionally be furnished with items purchased from the Mall, reflecting the personal tastes of the resident. Chairs, Stereos, Instruments that play music, plants that have to be watered, Etc. See My house section in this help file HTML = HyperText Markup Lnaguage. The language web pages are made of.. HTML tags is like when you pressed ^c to center text in the MS-Dos old word processors. Now instead of control characters, you type tags (Codes in <>). To cancel a tag you type / and the code. The source code can be typed in Notepad and the save the file ended in .htm. In CyberTown you can type after pressing "post" buttons, and when the note tells you the use or HTML tags is allowed. A example : The text between and will be a link pointing to that web address (when you read it in your browser) The text between and will be bold  The text between and will be italic The text between and will be red. The text between and will be bigger than the other text The text between
will be centered In the place you type
, a line break will appear In the place you type

a new paragraph will apear Example. If you type ....... You can go page1 to get more information
Non-bold text bold text non-bold text
Non-italic text Italic text Non-italic text
New line
New line

new paragraph
Normal align

Centered text
Normal align
Normal text
Small text Normal text

   .......People will see. You can go page1 to get more information Non-bold text bold text non-bold text Non-italic text Italic text Non-italic text New line New line new paragraph Normal align Centered textNormal align Normal text Small text Normal text And the images? Well, you must type to get the image at that address. But if you want to use your image, you must save(or upload) the image in a Webserver so that you can refer it. (If you have it in your hard disc only you will be able to view it, and the rest will view a red X) Use only Gif, JPEG or PNG images. Not BMP, DIB or other image format. Want to try? Type here your html codes. Unfortunatelly, your browser doesn´t accept Javascript , so the HTML tool above won´t work In this help file, bold text is also emphasised with yellow color and links are in grey, because of the use of Cascade Style Sheets, but in other documents/browsers the way/colors of representation may change  You can get help about Html in IAC: In Any Case IMHO or IMO: In My [Humble] Opinion IOW: In Other WordsJIC: Just In CaseJK or J/K: Just Kidding JumpGate --The drop-down menu in the right frame. A mode of transportation which allows residents and visitors to travel around Cybertown at a rapid rate. Try all the options to know more about Cybertown KISS: Keep It Simple StupidL8R: LaterLMFO: Laughing My Face OffLOL: Laughing Out LoudND- = Neighbourhood deputy Neighbourhood (Hood)- A collection of Blocks, having a certain theme. Neighbourhood deputy- A position of overall responsibility for all blocks in a Neighborhood, or a section of blocks in a Neighborhood. This position can vary from community to community, depending on the makeup or concerns as perceived in that community. The ND's report to the NL of a Neighborhood. Neighbourhood leader- The overall Leader of a Neighborhood. This person orchestrates the operations of the ND's in the Neighborhood, sets policies that will foster growth, direction, and harmony in a Neighborhood. News, daily- Information of an immediate nature that is of importance to Cybertown. It is similar to a daily local newspaper.News, weekly- Information regarding Cybertown that may have greater or a long-lasting importance to Cybertown than the Daily News. This is similar to a subscription to a weekly newsmagazine.NL- = Neighbourhood leader OIC: Oh, I See!POV: Point Of ViewRight click: Click with the secondary button of the mouse. (usually the right button) Warning: In this Help File, if your mouse is setted for left-handed users, right-click means click with the left button, that is the secondary button ROTFL: Rolling On The Floor LaughingROTFLMAO: Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass OffSecurity- The "Keepers of Order" in Cybertown. The duties of Security Personnel include the warning of, and possible eviction of spammers, those that may use unacceptable language in public places, or those that generally harass other residents. Security may also remove the residence of an individual for unacceptable activity or disruptive public messages. Security in Cybertown has a record that shows a high regard for a citizen's freedom of action.SOW: Speaking Of WhichTIA: Thanks In AdvanceTTFN: Ta Ta For NowTTYL: Talk To You LaterTTYS: Talk To You SoonTY: Thank YouvDrome - Movie Theater in Cybertown's ePlex. Virtual Objects - 3D representation of objects can be traded or sold in Cybertown either through the Mall or the Flea Market or directly from your backpack. vPod - Small screening rooms inside the vDrome VR - Virtual Reality WB:Welcome back WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get. It means that what you see in the edition mode of a program is the result you get -e.g by print . If in a chat somebody use chat slang you don't understand feel free to ask (e.g. BRB=? )   MORE HELP. WHERE CAN I GET MORE HELP? Tell people (specially city guides) about your question. A good place to ask is the Newcomers Club Send a message to your block leader (when in your house click on the right frame house name ended in "(BL)", when the BL´s house is loaded, click on" inbox" and type your question in the form)  Click on  and then in your question button.  Post a message in the Guides Board. Select Guides Board from the "Jump Gate" -The drop-down menu in the right frame - when loaded click on post. Use this little form: CREDITS This help file was created by Tin-Leon. The source was: Blaxxun´s website ,Cybertown´s help, FAQ´s and tech questions pages; pages from the Metaverse website and from the Real Places Website and things typed by Tin-Leon. Some of the words in the glossary are compiled by MV-staff Please give proper credits if you copy the file. Spazz3d is a trademark of Virtock Technologies, Inc. Blaxxun, the blaxxun logo, blaxxun Contact are registered trademarks of blaxxun interactive. Other trademarks referenced in this document are owned by their respective companies Back to top